Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coal Face, Dark Angels, Ocean Salt face cleansers.

Hello everyone, So i took this "quiz" on lushusa's website on how to choose your cleanser. I realized i have a oily t-zone with dry cheeks.

I choose B,C,B. i choose mostly B's & it suggested i use Ocean salt, Dark Angels, Coalface cleanser. i was really happy that the suggestions was coal face because i had a great experience with coal face! Ocean salt & dark angels were on such another level but not greatly compared to coalface. 
CoalFace $12.95 3.50z (you can cut it up a little smaller)

-My experience with coalface was actually WONDERFUL. My first night i used it i actually liked how my face was so nice & clean. days by days i noticed good improvement. i use to have uneven skin tone on my face, redness, etc & coal faced really evened everything out. 

How to use: Get your hands wet & coalface. Turn off hot water & rub coalface in between your palms. Rub your palms on your face, massage in circular motion & wash it all off , PAT face dry then use your moisturizer. Coal face

Dark Angels $10.95(3.5oz) $26.95(8.8oz) You can ask for a sample.

-Honestly, It was like a regular cleanser. At first i didn't know how to use dark angels  because the product is kinda like playdough, putty, clay type of feel. i read that you just have to rub it in between your palms or rub it on your face. It was messy. i did notice my face clean after wash. I do suggest it but just not to me. 

Ocean Salt
Ocean Salt $19.95(4.2oz) $34.95 (8.8oz) ask for a sample! 

-I don't know if it was suppose to have a burning sensation or not but this product really burned my skin or my face was too sensitive. I disliked it I suggest using it on your body for a scrub because its also good to use as a body scrub too. (exfoliation)